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A user researcher, occasional blogger and advocate for diversity & inclusion

Ella Botting
May 7, 20204 min read
April in review | The #InterviewSeries is coming to an end
Image of the lake in Crystal Palace park from one of my isolation walks Well if March was a shit show, April was a shit STORM. It was...

Ella Botting
Mar 30, 20202 min read
March in review
Well, well, well, where to begin? We're all in the same boat, some of us coping better than others. At first, I have to admit, I didn't...

Ella Botting
Mar 25, 20206 min read
Boundary setting for beginners
And approaching other difficult conversations What to expect in this post: 1) Why boundary setting is important to me 2) What helped me...

Ella Botting
Jan 31, 20202 min read
January in review
Whewwwww it’s been a minute since I’ve had the time or energy to write. But I did intend for my break to be a break and not the end of my...

Ella Botting
Sep 28, 20193 min read
September (and August and July) in review
It's been quite a tough summer. I haven't really had the energy I usually have for my side projects, for reflecting or for taking care of...

Chiedza Calpurnia Ishemunyoro
Sep 15, 20193 min read
Blood Poisoning: Has Elizabeth Holmes’ Theranos scandal created a toxic environment for female found
At the London Startup Bookclub we recently read, Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup.

Ella Botting
Aug 18, 20197 min read
Workplace Gaslighting
It’s well known that as women climb the career ladder they become less liked, whereas the inverse is normally true for men.

Ella Botting
Jul 1, 20193 min read
June in review
Personal Phew. It's been a loooong month. I spent more time in hospital that I ever have in my life. But, alls well that ends well. My...

Ella Botting
Jun 16, 20192 min read
How to be a more accessible user of the internet
I'm fortunate enough to work in an organisation that posits accessibility first, or tries to anyway. And as I am dyslexic, I thought I'd...

Ella Botting
Jun 3, 20193 min read
May in review
Career I'm learning a lot about myself as a mentor and a manager. It's been harder than I expected and I know I need to work on making...

Ella Botting
May 14, 20194 min read
Migraines. Living with chronic pain
Migraines. We've all heard of them, and just like with other invisible illnesses, none of us really understands them until we experience...

Ella Botting
May 1, 20192 min read
April in review
Career I gained a project intern! I really want to learn how to manage and delegate well, so this is a really cool opportunity for me....

Ella Botting
Apr 1, 20192 min read
February and March in review
I forgot to write my February reflection post as I was having too much fun in Iceland #SorryNotSorry. So here goes, my reflection on the...

Ella Botting
Feb 1, 20192 min read
January in review
New year, new jumper I didn't burn out The back end of last year was absolutely mental. I barely had a night at home because I was so...

Ella Botting
Dec 21, 20187 min read
2018 in review
I'm not typically a fan of new years resolutions or appraising my life based on constructed intervals of time. Let's be honest, life...

Ella Botting
Dec 3, 20183 min read
November in review
DECEMBER. What. How is it December already?! Sorry, I know it's old news but time is seriously flying by. If I'm honest I'm feeling a...

Ella Botting
Oct 8, 20186 min read
25 things at 25
I didn't come up with this concept, I copied @myddelton, but I really like the sentiment and I really like reflecting. I just turned 25...

Ella Botting
Oct 1, 20181 min read
September in review
Short & sweet reflection on my September as I am a currently on vacay 🌴 Good • Dubai! Yay! I got to go home and see my family, my...

Ella Botting
Sep 2, 20182 min read
August in review
The good More time at the beach A cheeky trip to Wales - with no wifi or phone signal - bliss One of my friends got accepted onto a Code...

Ella Botting
Jul 30, 20182 min read
July in review
The good * 🌊 I set a goal a while back, that I wanna explore a lot more of the UK. This month I did a lil bit of that and found a...
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