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Code First: Girls | Week 1: HTML

Ella Botting

Who are Code First: Girls?

Code First: Girls (CF:G) is an initiative founded by Amali de Alwis. CF:G’s aim is to increase the number of women in tech. They offer free coding courses to students & professionals across the UK, £4.2 million worth of coding education to date! Phenomenal.

You’re a user researcher, why do you want to learn how to code?

True, you don’t necessarily need to know how to code to be a successful user researcher. However, I think if I can understand or even code myself I’ll be able to emphathise with my colleagues better. And if I eventually progress to management level, I would imagine having some experience or knowledge of coding will help me better manage teams. Plus, I’d love to code CyberWomen from scratch. And maybe score myself a side hustle or two 😏

What did you learn this week?

I’m currently enrolled on an 8 week beginners coding course & I’m also ambassador for the Bermondsey cohort 👏🏼. In week one we learnt the basics of HTML, got ourselves familiar with GitHub & Atom and even had a go at coding a very basic website.

Thank you to Shawn & the other #CodeFirstGirls instructors for your time tonight. We really appreciate you ✨

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