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Ella Botting

Tube reading

Buddhism in millennial speak. I think parts of this book were kinda problematic. But other parts were pretty profound. The overall message is simple, but incredibly complicated. Take accountability for your choices in life, including the way you respond to things you have no control over and give less fucks about things that don’t matter. I was in two minds while I was reading it, half the time I was thinking naaah bullshit. The other half I was snapping pictures of my favourite quotes and uploading it to social media faster than a basic bitch promoting teeth whitening kits on instagram.

Upon reflection, life has seemed less dramatic since I started working a lot harder for the things I want, instead of expecting them to just happen. And since I've started to take responsibility for myself, when things do go tits up I seem to be able to manage my anxiety better. Even before I picked up this book, I had started to try and protect my time and energy by attempting to worry less about things beyond my control. So this book was more validation for me than any massive mind blowing insight. However, still very useful.

All of this comes from a position of privilege and like Mark says, it’s easier said than done, but that is the point. What make us humans happy or content, is more often than not, overcoming adversity and problem solving, rather than instant gratification. A lot of what Mark talks about in the book affirmed my decision making and approach to life of late. But it’s important to mention (and something I think Mark doesn’t touch on enough) is the support from loved ones I had when my mental health was at its worst, along with having access to professional help. Sure, I had started to take accountability for my emotions and behaviours, but I wasn't alone in doing so. I was privileged enough to have help along the way, and to me, that makes a lot of difference. Mark gives us countless examples of when people have done so without help, but these are rarities. We all know if certain things in contemporary society improved (access to healthcare & education, less polarising media, so on and so forth) it would be a lot easier for a lot more people, to take accountability for their lives and give less fucks.

This book is good and bad. It forces you to confront some harsh and awkward realities, but also places too much emphasis on the individual, but maybe thats the point. What I like about The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, is the author is fully aware that there are probably things he wrote in book he will disagree with in the future. Regardless, 110% worth a read, especially on the tube, where there are plenty of people who will get really upset by the word 'fuck'.

Let me know if you've read it/ plan on getting it :D

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